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Science and Method

Science and Method
字数:205375 字
浏览数:100 次
收录时间:2024-02-07 15:12:03


" Vivid . . . immense clarity . . . the product of a brilliant and extremely forceful intellect." — Journal of the Royal Naval Scientific Service

"Still a sheer joy to read." — Mathematical Gazette

"Should be read by any student, teacher or researcher in mathematics." — Mathematics Teacher

The originator of algebraic topology and of the theory of analytic functions of several complex variables, Henri Poincaré (1854–1912) excelled at explaining the complexities of scientific and mathematical ideas to lay readers. Science and Method, written in 1908, has been appreciated by a wide audience of nonprofessionals and translated into many languages. It defines the basic methodology and psychology of scientific discovery, particularly in regard to mathematics and mathematical physics. Drawing on examples from many fields, it explains how scientists analyze and choose their working facts, and it explores the nature of experimentation, theory, and the mind. 1914 edition. Translated by Francis Maitland.

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