会员中心 我的书架

From One Generation to Another

From One Generation to Another
字数:192834 字
浏览数:228 次
收录时间:2024-02-07 14:13:21


Il faut se garder des premiers mouvements, parce qu'ils sont presque toujours honnétes.

“Dearest Anna,—I see from the newspaper before me of March 13, that I am reported dead. Before attempting to investigate the origin of this mistake, I hasten to write to you, knowing, dearest, what a shock this must have been to you. It is true that I was in the Makar Akool affair, and was slightly wounded—a mere scratch in the arm—but nothing more. I have not written to you for some months past because I have been turning something over in my mind. Anna, dearest, there is no chance of my being in a position to marry for some years yet, and I feel it incumbent upon me ...”

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