the sage should be self-sufficing. he that was all in all to himself carried all with him when he carried himself. if a universal friend can represent to us rome and the rest of the world, let a man be his own universal friend, and then he is in a position to live alone. whom could such a man want if there is no clearer intellect or finer taste than his own? he would then depend on himself alone, which is the highest happiness and like the supreme being. he that can live alone resembles the brute beast in nothing, the sage in much and god in everything.
(1) 指古希腊麦格拉的哲学家斯提朋,他在一场火灾中失去了妻儿和全部财产。他从废墟中站起来说:“我的财富还在身上。”
(2) 指古罗马军事家、执政官老加图(前234—前149)。