朱友渔 年三十一岁。生于上海。未婚。初学于圣约翰大学。光緖三十三年毕业。得学士学位。任圣约翰大学教员。及无锡县宣道师。宣统元年。自费游美。入哥仑比亚大学。习政治学。宣统二年。得硕士学位。民国元年。著中国慈善事业论。得博士学位。又入纽约大学。及神学专修科。得神学士学位。曾为中国基督教学生会会长。民国元年。回国。任圣约翰大学牧师及教员。通信处。上海圣约翰大学。
tsu, yu-yue.-born in shanghai, 1886. studied at st. john's uni-versity, shanghai, 1906-7. b.a., 1907. instructor, st. john's university. preacher, wusih, 1907-9. arrived in america, september, 1909. private support. studied political science at columbia and new york universities and theology at general theological seminary, 1909-12. m.a., columbia, 1910: ph. d., columbia, 1912; b.d., general theological seminary, 1912. subjects of doctor's dissertation:-"chinese philanthropy". chairman, chinese students' christian association, 1910-11. traveling secretary, chinese students' christian associa-tion, 1911-12. returned to china, august, 1912. chaplain and professor, st. john's university, shanghai, 1912 to date.