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The Revolution Betrayed

The Revolution Betrayed
作者:Leon Trotsky
字数:293741 字
浏览数:107 次
收录时间:2024-02-07 15:10:20


"Probably the most readable, significant and interesting book that has thus far come from the prolific pen of the former leader of the Red Army.... Trotsky has an intimate knowledge of and a complete command of his subject.... [T]he canvas he fills is so broad and well-balanced as to be highly instructive even to those who do not limit their investigations of Soviet affairs to the reports of the correspondents.... In a series of brief but lucid chapters the author traces the remarkable evolution through which the Soviet State has passed since 1917.... Trotsky's narrative bring[s] to the reader an echo of the passionate discussion that has taken place behind the closed doors of the high Communist bodies." --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. ----The New York Times Book Review

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