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纳尼亚传奇:凯斯宾王子Prince Caspian: The Return t

纳尼亚传奇:凯斯宾王子Prince Caspian: The Return t
字数:186428 字
浏览数:117 次
收录时间:2024-02-07 13:58:34


First editionMain article: Prince Caspian

Completed after Christmas in December 1949 and published 15 October 1951, Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia tells the story of the Pevensie children's second trip to Narnia. They are drawn back by the power of Susan's horn, blown by Prince Caspian to summon help in his hour of need. Narnia as they knew it is no more. Their castle is in ruins and all the dryads have retreated so far within themselves that only Aslan's magic can wake them. Caspian has fled into the woods to escape his uncle, Miraz, who had usurped the throne. The children set out once again to save Narnia.

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