会员中心 我的书架

Chapter 2

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the village of marlott lay amid the north-eastern undulations of the beautiful vale of blakemore or blackmoor aforesaid, an engirdled and secluded region, for the most part untrodden as yet by tourist or landscape-painter, though within a four hours' journey from london.

it is a vale whose acquaintance is best made by viewing it from the summits of the hills that surround it - except perhaps during the droughts of summer. an unguided ramble into its recesses in bad weather is apt to engender dissatisfaction with its narrow, tortuous, and miry ways.

this fertile and sheltered tract of country, in which the fields are never brown and the springs never dry, is bounded on the south by the bold chalk ridge that embraces the prominences of hambledon hill, bulbarrow, nettlecombe-tout, dogbury, high stoy, and bubb down. the traveller from the coast, who, after plodding northward for a score of miles over calcareous downs and corn-lands, suddenly reaches the verge of one of these escarpments, is surprised and delighted to behold, extended like a map beneath him, a country differing absolutely from that which he has passed through. behind him the hills are open, the sun blazes down upon fields so large as to give an unenclosed character to the landscape, the lanes are white, the hedges low and plashed, the atmosphere colourless. here, in the valley, the world seems to be constructed upon a smaller and more delicate scale; the fields are mere paddocks, so reduced that from this height their hedgerows appear a network of dark green threads overspreading the paler green of the grass. the atmosphere beneath is languorous, and is so tinged with azure that what artists call the middle distance partakes also of that hue, while the horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine. arable lands arc few and limited; with but slight exceptions the prospect is a broad rich mass of grass and trees, mantling minor hills and dales within the major. such is the vale of blackmoor.

the district is of historic, no less than of topographical interest. the vale was known in former times as the forest of white hart, from a curious legend of king henry iii's reign, in which the killing by a certain thomas de la lynd of a beautiful white hart which the king had run down and spared, was made the occasion of a heavy fine. in those days, and till comparatively recent times, the country was densely wooded. even now, traces of its earlier condition are to be found in the old oak copses and irregular belts of timber that yet survive upon its slopes, and the hollow-trunked trees that shade so many of its pastures.

the forests have departed, but some old customs of their shades remain. many, however, linger only in a metamorphosed or disguised form. the may-day dance, for instance, was to be discerned on the afternoon under notice, in the guise of the club revel, or `club-walking', as it was there called.

it was an interesting event to the younger inhabitants of marlott, though its real interest was not observed by the participators in the ceremony. its singularity lay less in the retention of a custom of walking in procession and dancing on each anniversary than in the members being solely women. in men's clubs such celebrations were, though expiring, less uncommon; but either the natural shyness of the softer sex, or a sarcastic attitude on the part of male relatives, had denuded such women's clubs as remained (if any other did) of this their glory and consummation. the club of marlott alone lived to uphold the local cerealia. it had walked for hundreds of years, if not as benefit-club, as votive sisterhood of some sort; and it walked still.

the banded ones were all dressed in white gowns - a gay survival from old style days, when cheerfulness and may-time were synonyms - days before the habit of taking long views had reduced emotions to a monotonous average. their first exhibition of themselves was in a processional march of two and two round the parish. ideal and real clashed slightly as the sun lit up their figures against the green hedges and creeper-laced house-fronts; for, though the whole troop wore white garments, no two whites were among them. some approached pure blanching; some were all had a bluish pallor; some worn by the older characters (which had possibly lain by folded for many a year) inclined to a cadaverous tint, and to a georgian style.

in addition to the distinction of a white frock, every woman and girl carried in her right hand a peeled willow wand, and in her left a bunch of white flowers. the peeling of the former, and the selection of the latter, had been an operation of personal care.

there were a few middle-aged and even elderly women in the train, their silver-wiry hair and wrinkled faces, scourged by time and trouble, having almost a grotesque, certainly a pathetic, appearance in such a jaunty situation. in a true view, perhaps, there was more to be gathered and told of each anxious and experienced one, to whom the years were drawing nigh when she should say, `i have no pleasure in them', than of her juvenile comrades. but let the elder be passed over here for those under whose bodices the life throbbed quick and warm.

the young girls formed, indeed, the majority of the band, and their heads of luxuriant hair reflected in the sunshine every tone of gold, and black, and brown. some had beautiful eyes, others a beautiful nose, others a beautiful mouth and figure: few, if any, had all. a difficulty of arranging their lips in this crude exposure to public scrutiny, an inability to balance their heads, and to dissociate self-consciousness from their features, was apparent in them, and showed that they were genuine country girls, un-accustomed to many eyes.

and as each and all of them were warmed without by the sun, so each had a private little sun for her soul to bask in; some dream, some affection, some hobby, at least some remote and distant hope which, though perhaps starving to nothing, still lived on, as hopes will. thus they were all cheerful, and many of them merry.

they came round by the pure drop inn, and were turning out of the high road to pass through a wicket-gate into the meadows, when one of the women said--

`the lord-a-lord! why, tess durbeyfield, if there isn't thy father riding hwome in a carriage!'

a young member of the band turned her head at the exclamation. she was a fine and handsome girl - not handsomer than some others, possibly - but her mobile peony mouth and large innocent eyes added eloquence to colour and shape. she wore a red ribbon in her hair, and was the only one of the white company who could boast of such a pronounced adornment. as she looked round durbeyfield was seen moving along the road in a chaise belonging to the pure drop, driven by a frizzle-headed brawny damsel with her gown-sleeves rolled above her elbows. this was the cheerful servant of that establishment, who, in her part of factotum, turned groom and ostler at times. durbeyfield, leaning back, and with his eyes closed luxuriously, was waving his hand above his head, and singing in a slow recitative--

`i've-got-a-gr't-family-vault-at-kingsbere - and knighted-forefathers-in-lead-coffins-there!'

the clubbists tittered, except the girl called tess - in whom a slow heat seemed to rise at the sense that her father was making himself foolish in their eyes.

`he's tired, that's all,' she said hastily, `and he has got a lift home, because our own horse has to rest to-day.'

`bless thy simplicity, tess,' said her companions. `he's got his market-nitch. haw-haw!'

`look here; i won't walk another inch with you, if you say any jokes about him!' tess cried, and the colour upon her cheeks spread over her face and neck. in a moment her eyes grew moist, and her glance drooped to the ground. perceiving that they had really pained her they said no more, and order again prevailed. tess's pride would not allow her to turn her head again, to learn what her father's meaning was, if he had any; and thus she moved on with the whole body to the enclosure where there was to be dancing on the green. by the time the spot was reached she had recovered her equanimity, and tapped her neighbour with her wand and talked as usual.

tess durbeyfield at this time of her life was a mere vessel of emotion untinctured by experience. the dialect was on her tongue to some extent, despite the village school: the characteristic intonation of that dialect for this district being the voicing approximately rendered by the syllable ur, probably as rich an utterance as any to be found in human speech. the pouted-up deep red mouth to which this syllable was native had hardly as yet settled into its definite shape, and her lower lip had a way of thrusting the middle of her top one upward, when they closed together after a word.

phases of her childhood lurked in her aspect still. as she walked along to-day, for all her bouncing handsome womanliness, you could sometimes see her twelfth year in her cheeks, or her ninth sparkling from her eyes; and even her fifth would flit over the curves of her mouth now and then.

yet few knew, and still fewer considered this. a small minority, mainly strangers, would look long at her in casually passing by, and grow momentarily fascinated by her freshness, and wonder if they would ever see her again: but to almost everybody she was a fine and picturesque country girl, and no more.

nothing was seen or heard further of durbeyfield in his triumphal chariot under the conduct of the ostleress, and the club having entered the allotted space, dancing began. as there were no men in the company the girls danced at first with each other, but when the hour for the close of labour drew on, the masculine inhabitants of the village, together with other idlers and pedestrians, gathered round the spot, and appeared inclined to negotiate for a partner.

among these on-lookers were three young men of a superior class, carrying small knapsacks strapped to their shoulders, and stout sticks in their hands. their general likeness to each other, and their consecutive ages, would almost have suggested that they might be, what in fact they were, brothers. the eldest wore the white tie, high waistcoat, and thin-brimmed hat of the regulation curate; the second was the normal undergraduate; the appearance of the third and youngest would hardly have been sufficient to characterize him; there was an uncribbed, uncabined aspect in his eyes and attire, implying that he had hardly as yet found the entrance to his professional groove. that he was a desultory tentative student of something and everything might only have been predicted of him.

these three brethren told casual acquaintance that they were spending their whitsun holidays in a walking tour through the vale of blackmoor, their course being south-westerly from the town of shaston on the north-east.

they leant over the gate by the highway, and inquired as to the meaning of the dance and the white-frocked maids. the two elder of the brothers were plainly not intending to linger more than a moment, but the spectacle of a bevy of girls dancing without male partners seemed to amuse the third, and make him in no hurry to move on. he unstrapped his knapsack, put it, with his stick, on the hedge-bank, and opened the gate.

`what are you going to do, angel?' asked the eldest.

`i am inclined to go and have a fling with them. why not all of us - just for a minute or two - it will not detain us long?'

`no - no; nonsense!' said the first. `dancing in public with a troop of country hoydens - suppose we should be seen! come along, or it will be dark before we get to stourcastle, and there's no place we can sleep at nearer than that; besides, we must get through another chapter of a counterblast to agnosticism before we turn in, now i have taken the trouble to bring the book.'

`all right - i'll overtake you and cuthbert in five minutes; don't stop; i give my word that i will, felix.'

the two elder reluctantly left him and walked on taking their brother's knapsack to relieve him in following, and the youngest entered the field.

`this is a thousand pities,' he said gallantly, to two or three of the girls nearest him, as soon as there was a pause in the dance.

`where are your partners, my dears?'

`they've not left off work yet,' answered one of the boldest.

`they'll be here by and by. till then, will you be one, sir?'

`certainly. but what's one among so many!'

`better than none. 'tis melancholy work facing and footing it to one of your own sort, and no clipsing and colling at all. now, pick and choose.'

`'ssh - don't be so for'ard!' said a shyer girl.

the young man, thus invited, glanced them over, and attempted some discrimination; but, as the group were all so new to him, he could not very well exercise it. he took almost the first that came to hand, which was not the speaker, as she had expected; nor did it happen to be tess durbeyfield. pedigree, ancestral skeletons, monumental record, the d'urberville lineaments, did not help tess in her life's battle as yet, even to the extent of attracting to her a dancing-partner over the heads of the commonest peasantry. so much for norman blood unaided by victorian lucre.

the name of the eclipsing girl, whatever it was, has not been handed down; but she was envied by all as the first who enjoyed the luxury of a masculine partner that evening. yet such was the force of example that the village young men, who had not hastened to enter the gate while no intruder was in the way, now dropped in quickly, and soon the couples became leavened with rustic youth to a marked extent, till at length the plainest woman in the club was no longer compelled to foot it on the masculine side of the figure.

the church clock struck, when suddenly the student said that he must leave - he had been forgetting himself - he had to join his companions. as he fell out of the dance his eyes lighted on tess durbeyfield, whose own large orbs wore, to tell the truth, the faintest aspect of reproach that he had not chosen her. he, tool was sorry then that, owing to her backwardness, he had not observed her; and with that in his mind he left the pasture.

on account of his long delay he started in a flying-run down the lane westward, and had soon passed the hollow and mounted the next rise. he had not yet overtaken his brothers, but he paused to get breath, and looked back. he could see the white figures of the girls in the green enclosure whirling about as they had whirled when he was among them. they seemed to have quite forgotten him already.

all of them, except, perhaps, one. this white shape stood apart by the hedge alone. from her position he knew it to be the pretty maiden with whom he had not danced. trifling as the matter was, he yet instinctively felt that she was hurt by his oversight. he wished that he had asked her; he wished that he had inquired her name. she was so modest, so expressive, she had looked so soft in her thin white gown that he felt he had acted stupidly.

however, it could not be helped, and turning, and bending himself to a rapid walk, he dismissed the subject from his mind.

在前面说过的美丽的布莱克莫尔谷或者叫做黑荒原谷东北部起伏不平的谷地中间,坐落着马洛特村。布莱克莫尔谷四周环山,是一片幽僻的区域,虽然离伦敦只有不到四个小时的路程,但是直到现在它的大部分地区都还 不曾有过旅游者或风景画家的足迹。




茂密的森林已经消失了,但是森林浓荫下曾经有过的一些古老风俗依然还 在。不过风俗犹存,但许多已经改换了形式,加上了伪装。例如,已经通知下午举行的五朔节舞会,从中就能看见它采用了会社的形式,或者是被当地人称作“会社游行”的形式。

对马洛特村稍为年轻的居民来说,会社游行是一件使他们感兴趣的事件,尽管参加游行的人看不出它的真正趣味。它的特点主要不在于它保留了每年排队游行和跳舞的古风,而在于参加游行的人全是妇女。在男子会社里,这类庆祝虽然逐渐消失,但还 不算特别;但是,由于软弱女子天性羞涩和男性家属方面的讥笑态度,已经把残留下来的妇女会社(如果还 有其它会社的话)的荣耀和隆盛剥夺干净了。现在只有马洛特村的妇女会社残存下来,保留着庆祝赛丽斯节1的古风。它已经延续了好几白年,如果算不上共济会,它也是一种供奉上帝的姐妹会;而且它还 要继续存在下去。


队伍中的妇女们都身穿白色长袍——这是一种从罗马旧历时代就开始流行的欢乐遗风,那时候快乐和五月的时光是同义词——那个还 没有习惯着眼未来的时代,已经把人的感情降低到了单调乏味的程度。他们最初的表演是排成双行队伍绕着教区游行。太陽照亮了她们的身形,在绿色的树篱和爬满藤萝的房屋前墙的映衬下,理想和现实就稍微显出一些冲突来;因为尽管整个游行的队伍都穿着白色服装,然而她们中间却没有两件的颜色是一样的。有些近乎纯白;有些却是泛蓝的浅白;还 有一些已经被妇女会的老会员穿得破旧(它们有可能叠起来存放许多年了)而接近了一种灰白的颜色,式样还 是乔治时代的。


在游行的队伍里,有几个已到中年甚至还 要年老的妇女,她们遭到时光的蚀刻和痛苦的磨难,银白的鬈发和满是皱纹的面孔在轻快活泼的环境里,显得叫人好笑,也肯定叫人同情。真实地看来,每一个经历过人间沧桑的人同她们年轻的伙伴比起来,也许更值得搜集她们的材料加以叙述,因为她们要说“生命毫无喜悦”的年月就要来到了。不过还 是让我们把年长的妇女放在一边,述说那些生命在胸衣下跳动得快速而热烈的妇女吧。

年轻的姑娘们的确在游行的队伍中占了大多数,她们头上厚实的秀发在陽光的照耀下,反射出每一种金黄、乌黑和棕褐的颜色。有的姑娘眼睛漂亮,有的姑娘鼻子好看,有的姑娘嘴巴美观和身材秀美,但是如果说有人能够集众美于一身,那也没有几个人。由于在众目睽睽之下抛头露面,很明显她们对如何安排她们的嘴唇就感到困难了,对如何摆放她们的脑袋,如何使她们的自我意识同她们的形体分开,她们也感到无能为力。这表明她们都是素朴的乡村姑娘,还 不习惯被许多眼睛注视。

在她们每一个人的胸膛里,她们都有自己的小太陽照耀着灵魂,所以大家身上都暖烘烘的,不过不是被太陽晒热的;有些梦想,有些纯情,有些偏爱,至少有些遥远而渺茫的希望,虽然也许正在化为泡影,却仍然还 在不断地滋长,因为希望是会不断滋长的。所以,她们每个人都精神振奋,许多人都欢欣鼓舞。










苔丝·德北菲尔德在她人生的这个时候,满腔的纯情还 没有带上人生的经验。尽管进过乡村小学,但在她的说话里还 是带有某种程度的乡音:因为这个地区的方言的特殊音调,大约就体现在音节ur的发声上,也许同任何可以发现的人类说话的言语一样丰富。要念这个本地的音节,苔丝得把她深红的嘴巴撅起来,但是又刚好没有把形状固定下来,她的下嘴唇在上嘴唇的中部有点儿撮起,念完一个字后,她才把嘴巴闭起来。

她的童年的各个阶段的特征,现在仍然还 留在她的身上。在她今天一路走着的时候,就她全部的一个漂亮健壮妇女的丰韵来说,有时候你在她的双颊上能够看到她十二岁时的影子,或者从她的眼睛里看到她九岁时的神情,在她的嘴角的曲线上,甚至有时候还 能够看到她五岁时的模样。

但是这一点很少有人知道,更没有多少人加以注意。有一小群人,主要是一群陌生人,在他们偶然路过的时候会对她看上一阵,暂时为她的新鲜美感所吸引,心想他们是不是还 能再见到她:但是对其他大多数人来说,她只不过是一个俊俏的迷人的乡村姑娘而已。


在这群旁观的人中间有三个阶层较高的年轻男子,肩上背着小背包,手里拄着粗棍子。他们的面貌大致上相似,年龄一个比一个小,这几乎已经暗示说他们可能是亲兄弟,而实际上他们正是亲兄弟。年龄最长的一个是助理牧师,系白色的领带,穿圆领背心,戴窄边帽子;第二个是通常的大学生;最小的第三个似乎还 很难看出他的身分。从他的眼神里和衣服上,可以看出一种不拘形迹的神情,暗示他到目前为止还 没有找到专门职业的大门。从他身上大概可以猜测出,他是一个对什么事情都想广泛学习的学生。





“不行——不行;胡说八道!”大哥说,“在公开场合同一群乡下野姑娘跳舞——假如让人看见了怎么办!快走吧,不然我们走不到斯图尔堡天就黑了,走不到那儿我们可找不到地方睡觉。另外,在我们睡觉之前,我们还 要把《驳不可知论》1的另一章读完,你看,我还 不怕麻烦地带着这本书呢。”

1《驳不可知论》(a counterblast to agnosticism),该书名疑为哈代杜撰,与英国科学家赫胥黎的“不可知论”有关。




“现在他们还 没有收工呢,”有一个最大胆的姑娘回答说。“他们马上就都来了。趁他们还 没来,你来跳好吗,先生?”




年青人这样受到邀请,就把她们打量了一阵,想作一番鉴别;但是,他见这一群姑娘全是新面孔,就感到不能很好地应用他的鉴别力了。他挑选的几乎就是第一个走到他跟前的女孩子,而不是希望被他挑中的那个说话的姑娘。苔丝·德北菲尔德碰巧也没有被挑中。高贵的门第,祖先的枯骨,纪功的铭文,德北菲尔家族的容貌,在苔丝人生的搏斗中到目前为止还 没有为她帮上忙,就是在一群最普通的乡村女孩子中间,也没有帮她吸引到一个陪她跳舞的舞伴。没有维多利亚财富支持的诺曼人的血统,原来也不过如此。

无论如何,那个独占鳌头的姑娘的名字并没有流传下来;但是她在那天傍晚却因为第一个得到拥有男舞伴的殊荣而受到大家的羡慕。不过榜样自有它的力量,在外人还 没有进入舞场的时候,乡村的男青年并不急着进去,现在很快都进了舞场,不久,大多数成对的女孩子中就掺进来乡村小伙子,最后连相貌最平常的妇女也有男子陪着她们跳舞了。


因为他已经耽搁很久了,他就开始在通向西边的小路上飞跑起来,很快就跑过了一片洼地,到了前面的山坡上。他还 没有追上他的两个哥哥,但是他得停下来喘一口气,又回头看看。他能够看见姑娘们的白色身影在绿色的舞场上旋转着,就像刚才他在她们中间一起旋转一样。她们似乎已经完全把他忘记了。



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