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CHAPTER 7: Living the Spiritual Life

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in the beginning i undertook my walking not only to contactpeople, i undertook it as a prayer discipline to keep me concentratedon my prayer for peace. i hadn’t learned yet to pray withoutceasing. i also undertook a forty-five day period of prayer and fastingas a prayer discipline.

after the first few years the prayer discipline was completelyunnecessary, because i had learned to pray without ceasing. i made thecontact so thoroughly that into my prayer consciousness i put anycondition or person in the world i am concerned about and the resttakes place automatically.

occasionally some condition is brought back into my consciousmind because i need to really concentrate on it. if some person is indire difficulty, and that person returns to my mind for thought, isometimes use the prayer of visualization, which has always beenvery natural for me, but i understand not so for everybody. i reachout—my divine nature reaches out—to contact their divine nature.

then i have the feeling of lifting them, lifting them, lifting them, andi have the feeling of bringing god’s light to them. i try to envisionthem bathed in god’s light, and finally i do see them standing andreaching out their arms bathed in golden light. at that point i leavethem in god’s hands.

in all people i meet—though some may be governed by the selfcenterednature and may not know their potential at all—i see thatdivine spark, and that’s what i concentrate on. all people look beautifulto me; they look like shining lights to me. i always have the feelingof being thankful for these beautiful people who walk the earthwith me.

so i would say part of my prayer is a feeling of thankfulness, andof course a feeling of genuine love for all of god’s children and all ofgod’s creation. prayer is a concentration of positive thoughts.that’sa little bit about prayer.

ways of prayer.

you can visualize god’s light each day and send it to someonewho needs help.your divine nature must reach out and touch thedivine nature of another. within you is the light of the world, it mustbe shared with the world.

visualize a golden light within you and spread it out. first tothose about you—your circle of friends and relatives—and thengradually to the world. keep on visualizing god’s golden lightsurrounding our earth.

and if you have a problem, take the matter to god in prayer,and visualize it in god’s hands. then leave it, knowing it is inthe best possible hands, and turn your attention to other things.

that’s not the only prayer you can pray, but i have discoveredthat for some who were in very great trouble, this prayer of visualizationwas helpful to them. i’ve heard of results later, so i do a littleof this.

there is also a constant prayer of thankfulness—i am constantlythankful. the world is so beautiful, i am thankful. i have endlessenergy, i am thankful. i am plugged into the source of universalsupply, i am thankful. i am plugged into the source of universaltruth, i am thankful. i have this constant feeling of thankfulness,which is a prayer.

when you’re learning, it’s true it may be valuable to take specialtimes, even to use special forms... i can see that.

several times people have written to me and said, “peace, willyou pray with me at four o’clock in the afternoon or nine o’clock inthe evening, which is such and such a time, daylight saving time?” iwrite and tell them, “you don’t have to figure all that out for me—plug in at anytime and you will be praying with me, and i will be prayingwith you, because i pray without ceasing.”

praying without ceasing is not ritualized, nor are there evenwords. it is a constant state of awareness of oneness with god; it is asincere seeking for a good thing; and it is a concentration on thething sought, with faith that it is obtainable. all right prayer has goodeffect, but if you give your whole life to the prayer you multiply itspower ...no one really knows the full power of prayer. of course,there is a relationship between prayer and action. receptive prayerresults in an inner receiving, which motivates to right action.

let me tell you a story about an answer to prayer. i was pickedup late one night by a young policeman as i was walking along alonely highway. i believe he was thinking in terms of protective custody.

he said to me,“why, nobody in this town would walk out alongthis highway at this time of night.”

i said to him,“well, you see, i walk completely without fear.thereforei’m not attracting things which are not good. it says, that which ifeared came upon me. but i fear nothing and expect only good.”

he took me in anyhow, and i found myself in a cell.the floor waslittered with old newspapers and cigarette butts and every old thing.

the accommodations consisted of a single mattress on the floor andfour ragged blankets. there were two women attempting to sleeptogether on that single mattress.they told me there had been eightwomen in that cell the night before with those accommodations.

there was a rather nice feeling among the prisoners in general.theysaid to me, “you’ll need to have two blankets because you’ll be sleepingon the floor.” so i took a newspaper and cleared a place on thefloor, then put one blanket down and the other blanket over me andslept comfortably enough.

it wasn’t the first time i had slept on a cement floor, nor the last.

if you’re relaxed you can sleep anywhere. when i woke up in themorning i saw this man staring through the bars. i said to him,“whattime does court convene?” he said, “i don’t know.” i said, “well,aren’t you a policeman?” “no,” he said, “i just like to look at thegirls.” it was one of the town sports.anyone could come in right offthe street and see what they had there today: “let’s go look at thegirls!”

one of the women was middle aged and was being held for beingdrunk and disorderly. it was her seventh offense, she told me, so itwasn’t so hard on her. but the other was an eighteen year old girl.

she felt her entire life was ruined because of this experience. i said,“it’s my second time and i certainly don’t think my life is ruined!” igot her all cheered up and we talked about what she’d do when shegot out. she was to get out that day or the next day.

then they changed the guards. i never saw a matron. the newguard saw me and said, “what are you doing in there? i saw yourpicture in the newspaper. i heard you over the air.” then they just letme go.

but before i left i got a broom from the man who cleaned uparound there and gave it to the girls so they could clean up their cell.

i also got them a comb; their hair was all matted.they had been thereabout a week without a comb.

what i really wanted to tell you is that the eighteen year old girlwas a deeply religious person. she had been desperately praying forhelp. i believe that i was picked up off the highway that night and setbehind prison bars in answer to her prayers.

the most important part of prayer is what we feel, not what wesay.we spend a great deal of time telling god what we think shouldbe done, and not enough time waiting in the stillness for god to tellus what to do.

now, beside god’s laws, which are the same for all of us, thereis also god’s guidance and that is unique for every human soul. if youdon’t know what god’s guidance for your life is, you might try seekingin receptive silence. i used to walk receptive and silent amidst thebeauties of nature.wonderful insights would come to me which ithen put into practice in my life.

you might prefer listening to beautiful, uplifting music, readinga few beautiful words and pondering on them.to me, the beauties ofnature were always the most inspiring, and so actually that was mytime alone with god. it didn’t last more than an hour, if that, and igot so much from it.

now the young folks talk to me today about things like breathingexercises and meditation techniques, which in some cultures aredefinitely religious practices. but i say, look what i got from my timealone with god: from the beauty around me, my inspiration; fromthe silent receptiveness, my meditation; and from my walking, notonly my exercise but my breathing. four things at once! i believe inmaking very good use of my time. and you can’t be too pushy whenyou’re doing four things at once.

foolish people have sometimes used very strenuous breathingexercises or meditation techniques that tore them apart and pushedthem into an undesirable state instead of into the spiritual state. (yes,that was long before psychedelic drugs!) i always think of the bud ofa flower. if you give it proper conditions it will open into a beautifulflower, but if you’re impatient and try to tear the petals open youpermanently injure the flower for the earth life. the flower can beequated with the earthly human life. give the spiritual growing-upthe proper growing conditions and it will open into a thing of beauty.

when you feel the need of a spiritual lift, try getting to bed earlyand get up early to have a quiet time at dawn.then carry the serene“in tune” feeling that comes to you into your day, no matter what youmay be doing.

for those of you who are seeking the spiritual life, i recommendthese four daily practices: spend time alone each day in receptivesilence. when angry, or afflicted with any negative emotion, taketime to be alone with god. (do not talk with people who are angry;they are irrational and cannot be reasoned with. if you or they areangry, it is best to leave and pray.) visualize god’s light each day andsend it to someone who needs help. exercise the body, it is thetemple of the soul.

on fasting.

i have been asked about my forty-five day period of prayer andfasting. i undertook it as a prayer discipline, to keep me concentratedon my prayer for peace. it was in the second year of my pilgrimagewhen i was coming slowly back across the country and i wasn’t walkingextensively.

fasting can have a great deal of spiritual significance, and thoughi had already found inner peace, it may have been that the fast helpedme to learn to pray without ceasing.

while i fasted i was at the home of a chiropractor who used fastingfor healing. he wanted to see how a well person would react toa fast because he had never fasted a well person. i talked to him as afriend; he just observed me, he didn’t examine me. (there are manydoctors, including medical doctors, who are my friends—but noneof them have ever treated me or even examined me. although occasionallya dentist friend will repair an old cavity which came from mypoor eating habits in younger days.) the last meal before my fast wasa grapefruit and two oranges, so i wasn’t thirsty.the first three dayswere undertaken without food or water. after that i took distilledwater at room temperature. nothing else. and when i broke my fastit was not unusual—it was the regular way to break a fast.the juiceof one freshly squeezed orange every hour the first day. the juice oftwo freshly squeezed oranges, alternating with the juice of onegrapefruit, every two hours the second day. a grapefruit and twooranges three times the third day, and after that adding a little bituntil in a week i was able to eat full rations.

it was no different from the usual pattern of fasting. i did obeythe laws of fasting: no extreme exertion. i did not walk long distances,though i did walk some. i did some typing for the doctor. ityped until he took the typewriter away about a month along in thefast. he didn’t think i ought to handle it anymore, so then i wrote byhand, which was really harder than typing. but i do the best i canwith these things.

i didn’t go in and talk to his patients as much as i would haveliked to because he didn’t want me to move around that much. i didgo to see them occasionally to help keep up their spirits.

once during my fast—i remember i was in a state betweenwakefulness and sleep—i looked up and saw a dismal cross aboveme. it was just hanging there, and i knew someone must take up theburden. i reached up to accept it and i was immediately lifted abovethe cross where all was light and beauty. all that was needed was thewillingness to accept the burden—and then i was raised above it.

instead of hardships, i found a wonderful sense of peace and joy.

on healing.

one must be very careful when praying for others to pray for theremoval of the cause and not the removal of the symptom. a simplehealing prayer is this:

“bring this life into harmony with divine purpose...may thislife come into harmony with god’s will. may you so live that allwho meet you will be uplifted, that all who bless you will be blessed,that all who serve you will receive the greatest satisfaction. if anyshould attempt to harm you, may they contact your thought of godand be healed.”

eager beaver psychic healers are those who work on the removalof symptoms and not the removal of cause. when you desire phenomena,you possess phenomena; you do not get god. let’s say i ama psychic healer living next door to you, and you have chosen tocome into this life to face some kind of physical symptom until youhave removed the cause. well, when the symptom manifests, iremove it. and so the symptom manifests again, and i then remove itagain, and i manage to keep that symptom removed.

when you step over to the disembodied side of life, for anotherreason altogether, instead of blessing me for having removed thesymptom you’ll say, “that meddler! i came to solve this problem butshe kept removing the symptom and therefore i never solved it!”

that’s what i mean when i speak about some who are content todeal with the removal of symptoms.when one meddles in the life ofanother it will just cause the symptoms not only to re-manifest, butcarry over into another lifetime. most healers do not know this andthey go on merrily removing symptoms.

i admit that a long time ago, before i really knew what i wasdoing, when working with people who had problems i comfortedthem by putting my hands on the back of their neck and the forehead.

i certainly wouldn’t do that now. i did not realize i was doinganything but to comfort. now i place any problem into my prayerconsciousness. i place it into the best possible hands—god’s hands,and turn my attention to other things.

the power of thought.

are you a slave to your self-centered nature, or does your divinenature guide your life? do you know that every moment of your lifeyou’re creating through thought? you create your own inner condition;you’re helping create the conditions around you.

christian teachings tell us that “as a man thinketh in his heart, so ishe.” which is saying very clearly that we are creating the conditionsaround us. if we could look a bit more deeply into life, we might seethat physical difficulties are reflections of spiritual difficulties, andthat negative thoughts and feelings are much more harmful than diseasegerms.

if you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would neverthink a defeatist or negative thought. since we create throughthought, we need to concentrate very strongly on positive thoughts.

if you think you can’t do something, you can’t. but if you think youcan, you may be surprised to discover that you can. it is importantthat our thoughts be constantly for the best that could happen in asituation—for the good things we would like to see happen.

i have met some newage people who had heard some predictionof disaster and were actually concentrating on that.what a terriblething to do! why, we’re creating every moment of our lives throughthought.and we’re helping to create the conditions around us.

when you hear of any predictions of disaster there’s a reason forit.the reason is that you are to throw the entire weight of your positivethought in the opposite direction.

for instance, when there were dozens of predictions that half ofcalifornia was to slide into the sea from a terrible earthquake, ideliberately planned to be in that section of california.there wasn’ta tremor. but i missed some of my friends who were on the eastcoast, playing it safe.

remember where it says there shall be prophecies and they shallfail? why is it? because all you can predict is the trend of things.youcan never say what the outcome will be, because we are constantlyable to turn that prediction in another direction, in a positive directionif we get together on that.

every good thing you do, every good thing you say, every goodthought you think, vibrates on and on and never ceases. the evilremains only until it is overcome by the good, but the good remainsforever.

just concentrate on thinking and living and acting in harmonywith god’s laws and inspiring others to do likewise.

every time you meet a person, think of some encouraging thingto say—a kind word, a helpful suggestion, an expression of admiration.

never think of any right effort as being fruitless. all right effortbears fruit, whether we see the results or not.

be a sweet melody in the great orchestration, instead of a discordantnote. the medicine this sick world needs is love. hatred mustbe replaced by love, and fear by faith that love will prevail.

a song has this phrase: love is flowing like a river, flowing out fromyou and me. spreading out into the desert, setting all the captives free.

yes, the captives are those who don’t know who they are, thosewho don’t know they are god’s children.

remember this: be still and know that i am god. don’t ever forgetwho you are! you cannot be where god is not.

the change called death.

life is a series of tests, but if you pass your tests you’ll look backupon them as good experiences. i look back on all of my tests as goodexperiences, including the night i faced death in a blinding snowstorm.

it was the first year of my pilgrimage and the most beautifulexperience i ever had.

i was walking in a very isolated section of the high mountains ofarizona where there was no human habitation for many miles.thatafternoon there came a surprising snowstorm, out of season. i havenever seen such a storm. if the snow had been rain you would havecalled it a cloudburst. never had i seen snow dumped down like that!

all of a sudden i was walking in deep snow and was unable to seethrough what was falling. suddenly i realized that the cars hadstopped running. i supposed they were getting stuck on the highwayand unable to pass. then it got dark. there must have been a heavycloud cover. i could not see my hand before my face, and the snowwas blowing into my face and closing my eyes. it was getting cold. itwas the kind of cold that penetrates into the marrow of the bone.

if ever i were to lose faith and feel fear, this would have been thetime, because i knew there was no human help at hand. instead, thewhole experience of the cold and the snow and the darkness seemedunreal. only god seemed real...nothing else. i made a completeidentification—not with my body, the clay garment which isdestructible—but with the reality which activates the body and isindestructible.

i felt so free; i felt that everything would be all right, whether iremained to serve in this earth life or if i went on to serve in anotherfreer life beyond. i felt guided to keep on walking, and i did, eventhough i couldn’t tell whether i was walking along the highway orout into some field. i couldn’t see anything. my feet in my low canvasshoes were like lumps of ice. they felt so heavy as i plodded along.

my body began to turn numb with cold.

after there was more numbness than pain, there came whatsome would call an hallucination—and what some would call avision. it was as though i became aware, not only of the embodiedside of life where everything was black darkness, bitter cold andswirling snow—but also so close it seemed i could step right into it,of the unembodied side of life where everything was warmth and light.

there was such great beauty. it began with familiar color, but transcendedfamiliar color. it began with familiar music, but transcendedfamiliar music.

then i saw beings.they were very far away. one of them movedtoward me very quickly. when she came close enough, i recognizedher. she looked much younger than she had looked when she passedover.

i believe that at the time of the beginning of the change calleddeath, those nearest and dearest come to welcome us. i have beenwith dying friends who have stepped over and i remember well howthey talked to their loved ones on both sides ...as though they wereall right there in the room together.

so i thought my time had come to step over, and i greeted her. ieither said or thought, “you have come for me?” but she shook herhead! she motioned for me to go back! and just at that exactmoment i ran into the railing of a bridge.the vision was gone.

because i felt guided to do so, i groped my way down that snowyembankment and got under the bridge. there i found a large cardboardpacking box with wrapping paper in it.very slowly and clumsilyin my numb condition, i managed to get myself into that packingbox, and somehow with my numbed fingers managed to pull thewrapping paper around me. there under the bridge, during thesnowstorm, i slept. even there shelter had been provided—but providedalso was this experience.

had you looked at me in the midst of the snowstorm, you mighthave said, “what a terrible experience that poor woman is goingthrough.” but looking back on it i can only say: what a wonderfulexperience in which i faced death, feeling not fear, but the constantawareness of the presence of god, which is what you take right overwith you.

i believe i had the great privilege of experiencing the beginningof the change called death. so now i can rejoice with my loved onesas they make the glorious transition to a freer living. i can look forwardto the change called death as life’s last great adventure.

i have been asked what i mean when i’ve said i had started theprocess we call death. of course, the change called death is a process.

first you begin to perceive not only this side of life, but the unembodiedside of life. then you begin to recognize loved ones on theunembodied side as they move toward you, and you find you cancommunicate with both sides.that’s as far as i went. next comes thebreaking of the “silver cord”—and then communication with thoseon this side is cut off, although you can still see and hear them.youfind yourself in the “common meeting place” with your unembodiedloved ones for a wondrous reunion, and later you go to the levelwhere you are to learn, and also to serve, if you are far enoughadvanced.

the unembodied side of life is right here in another dimension. thetwo worlds intermingle.we are aware of our world but they areaware of both worlds—usually. some communication is possible; forinstance, we can pray for them and they can pray for us.

death is a beautiful liberation into a freer life. the limiting claygarment, the body, is put aside. the self-centered nature goes withyou to learn and grow on the disembodied side of life, and thenreturns here into a suitable clay garment and suitable circumstancesto learn the lessons we need to learn. could we but see a bit deeperinto life, we would grieve at birth and rejoice at death. if we butknew how short is the earth life in comparison with the whole, wewould be less troubled with the difficulties of the earth life than weare troubled now with the difficulties of one of our days.

the memorial service should be a joyous farewell party, recallingthe good the person has done, reading favorite poems and singingfavorite songs. if we did this, the liberated one would be rejoicingwith us.

as i accepted the change of the golden hair of my childhood tothe reddish-brown hair of my youth without regret, so i also acceptmy silver hair—and i am ready to accept the time when my hair andthe rest of my clay garment returns to the dust from which it came,while my spirit goes on to freer living. it is the season for my hair tobe silver, and each season has its lessons to teach. each season of lifeis wonderful if you have learned the lessons of the season before. itis only when you go on with lessons unlearned that you wish for areturn.

on religion.

religion is not an end in itself. one’s union with god is the ultimategoal. there are so many religions because immature peopletend to emphasize trivial differences instead of important likenesses.

differences between faiths lie in creeds and rituals rather than religiousprinciples.

how diverse the many paths seem to be at times, but do they notall come together eventually upon the same mountaintop? are theynot all striving for the same thing?

if you are guided toward a faith, use it as a stepping stone togod, not as a barrier between yourself and god’s other children oras a tower to hold you aloft from others. if you are not guided towarda faith (or even if you are) seek god in the silence—seek within.

when we attempt to isolate another we only isolate ourselves.

we are all god’s children and there are no favorites. god isrevealed to all who seek; god speaks to all who will listen. be stilland know god.

i am a deeply religious person, but i belong to no denomination.

i follow the spirit of god’s law, not the letter of the law. onecan become so attached to the outward symbols and structure ofreligion that one forgets its original intent—to bring one closer togod.we can only gain access to the kingdom of god by realizing itdwells within us as well as in all humanity. know that we are all cellsin the ocean of infinity, each contributing to the others’ welfare.

i read the king james version of the new testament in itsentirety and some excerpts from the old testament just after thebeginning of my pilgrimage. they are important books to a greatnumber of people, and i felt the need to inquire of their contents inorder to make my outreach to others more complete.yes, the biblecontains a great many truths, but most often these truths are notreally understood. people replace the spirit of the law with the letterof the law and truth becomes distorted into falsehood. if you desireconfirmation of a truth, it is best to seek it from within and not upona printed page.

you will note that jesus says, “why do you call me ‘lord, lord’

and do not what i say?” he expresses this thought more than once.

therefore, it seems to me that a real christian would be living by thelaws of god that jesus taught. jesus also says, “say not, ‘lo here’ or‘lo there’, for behold, the kingdom of god is within you.” in somany illustrations he tells people what they are capable of. realchristians would allow their lives to be governed by the kingdom ofgod within—by the god-centered nature—which is sometimescalled the indwelling christ.

many people profess christianity.very few live it—almost none.

and when you live it people may think you’re crazy. it has beentruthfully said that the world is equally shocked by one who repudiateschristianity and by one who practices it.

i believe jesus would accept me because i do what he told peopleto do.this doesn’t mean, though, that all who call themselves christianwould accept me. of course i love and appreciate jesus and iwish christians would learn to obey his commandments. it would bea most wonderful world.

the way of love.

evil cannot be overcome by more evil. evil can only be overcomeby good. it is the lesson of the way of love. the contest in theworld today is between the old way of attempting to overcome evilwith evil, which with modern weapons would lead to completechaos, and the way of overcoming evil with good, which would leadto a glorious and mature life.

we need not reach out to tear down that which is evil becausenothing which is contrary to god’s laws can endure. all not-goodthings in the world are transient, containing within themselves theseeds of their own destruction.we can help them to fade away morequickly only insofar as we remain in obedience to god’s law that evilmust be overcome with good.those who create something which isevil in order to overcome something else which is evil only doublethe evil.

god’s laws are implemented constantly, for everything out ofharmony is on its way out. how can anyone doubt that eventuallygod will prevail? it is only how soon that is up to us. and with howmuch violence they will pass away is also up to us. insofar as we arewilling to let them go, there will be less violence—insofar as we havebeen able to build the new within the old, there will be less violence;so let us work on that. let us help the phoenix to rise from the ashes,let us help lay the foundation for a new renaissance, let us help toaccelerate the spiritual awakening until it lifts us into the golden agewhich would come!

in order to help usher in the golden age we must see the good inpeople.we must know it is there, no matter how deeply it may beburied. yes, apathy is there and selfishness is there—but good isthere also. it is not through judgment that the good can be reached,but through love and faith.

pure love is a willingness to give, without a thought of receivinganything in return. love can save the world from nuclear destruction.

love god: turn to god with receptiveness and responsiveness.

love your fellow human beings: turn to them with friendliness and givingness.

make yourself fit to be called a child of god by living theway of love.

do you know god? do you know there is a power greater thanourselves which manifests itself within us as well as everywhere elsein the universe? this i call god. do you know what it is to knowgod, to have god’s constant guidance, a constant awareness of god’spresence? to know god is to reflect love toward all people and allcreations.to know god is to feel peace within—a calmness, a serenity,an unshakeableness which enables you to face any situation. toknow god is to be so filled with joy that it bubbles over and goesforth to bless the world.

i have only one desire now: to do god’s will for me.there is noconflict. when god guides me to walk a pilgrimage i do it gladly.

when god guides me to do other things i do them just as gladly. ifwhat i do brings criticism upon me i take it with head unbowed. ifwhat i do brings me praise i pass it immediately along to god, for iam only the instrument through which god does the work. whengod guides me to do something i am given strength, i am givensupply, i am shown the way. i am given the words to speak.whetherthe path is easy or hard i walk in the light of god’s love and peace andjoy, and i turn to god with psalms of thanksgiving and praise.this itis to know god.and knowing god is not reserved for the great ones.

it is for little folks like you and me. god is always seeking you—every one of you.

you can find god if you will only seek—by obeying divine laws,by loving people, by relinquishing self-will, attachments, negativethoughts and feelings. and when you find god it will be in the stillness.

you will find god within.

thoughts to ponderphotographed by carla anettethere is no glimpse of the light without walking the path.

you can’t get it from anyone else, nor can you give it to anyone. justtake whatever steps seem easiest for you, and as you take a few stepsit will be easier for you to take a few more.

when you know your part in the scheme of things, in the divineplan, there is never a feeling of inadequacy.you are always given theresources for any situation, any obstacle. there is no strain; there isalways security.

when you have constant communion with god, a constantreceiving from within, there is never any doubt; you know your way.

you become an instrument through which a job is done, thereforeyou have no feeling of self-achievement.

the spiritual life is the real life; all else is illusion and deception.

only those who are attached to god alone are truly free. only thosewho live up to the highest light live in harmony. all who act upontheir highest motivations become a power for good. it is not importantthat others be noticeably affected: results should never be soughtor desired. know that every right thing you do—every good wordyou say—every positive thought you think—has good effect.

thoughts to ponder“this is me and all my earthly possessions.think of how free i am.

if i want to travel, i just stand up and walk away.”

few find inner peace but this is not because they try and fail, itis because they do not try.

there is nothing that happens by chance in our universe. everythingunfolds according to higher laws—everything is regulated bydivine order.

judging others will avail you nothing and injure you spiritually.

only if you can inspire others to judge themselves will anythingworthwhile have been accomplished.

i perceived the entirely self-centered life as not worth living. ifwhat you’re doing will not benefit others besides yourself, it is notworth doing.

the godly way is one of the few simple precepts that even achild can understand.truth is simple—it’s just not so simple to liveit. therefore, immature people tend to hide behind complicatedinterpretations in order to avoid living simple truth.

humanity has only scratched the surface of its real potential.

anyone can plug into the divine current by discovering the truth ofjesus and other prophets who taught that the kingdom of god is within.

if you want to teach people, young or old, you must start wherethey are: at their level of understanding—and use words they understand.

when you have captured their attention, you can take them asfar as they are able to go. if you perceive that they are already beyondyour level of understanding, let them teach you. since steps towardspiritual advancement are taken in such a varied order, most of us canteach one another.

life is a mixture of successes and failures. may you be encouragedby the successes and strengthened by the failures.as long as younever lose faith in god, you will be victorious over any situation youmay face.

when you look at things emotionally, you will not see themclearly; when you perceive things spiritually, you will understand.

live in the present. do the things that need to be done. do allthe good you can each day.the future will unfold.

there are many lessons to be learned and scales to be balanced.

the laws of the universe cannot be altered for one’s convenience.

humanity must learn to accept everything that life offers as a learningexperience. it is for this reason spiritually immature peoplecannot be spoon-fed by someone else.the seeker must walk alone —with god.

if you give your life as a prayer, you intensify the prayer beyondall measure.

although others may feel sorry for you, never feel sorry for yourself:

it has a deadly effect on spiritual well-being. recognize all problems,no matter how difficult, as opportunities for spiritual growth,and make the most of these opportunities.

to attain inner peace you must actually give your life, not justyour possessions. when you at last give your life—bringing intoalignment your beliefs and the way you live—then, and only then,can you begin to find inner peace.

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