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"would you not have liked to have gone with the other girls, joanna? for conny, she must submit to be a halflin yet. but is it not dull for you only to hear of a party? country girls have few enough opportunities of being merry," observed mr. crawfurd, with his uneasy consciousness, and his sad habit of self-reproach.

"oh, mr. crawford, it would not have done—not the first time—joanna had much better stay at home on this occasion. she is too well brought up to complain of a little sacrifice."

it is curious how long some wives will live on friendly terms with their husbands and never measure their temperaments, never know where the shoe pinches, never have a notion how often they worry, and provoke, and pain their spouses, when the least reticence and tact would keep the ship and its consort sailing in smooth water.

mrs. crawfurd would have half-broken her heart if mr. crawfurd had not changed his damp stockings; she would fling down her work and look out for him at any moment of his absence; she would not let any of her children, not her favourite girl or boy, take advantage of him; she was a good wife, still she did not know where the shoe pinched, and so she stabbed him perpetually, sometimes with fretting pin-pricks, sometimes with sore sword-strokes.

"my dear, i wish you were not a sacrifice to me." it is a heart-breaking thing to hear a man speak quite calmly, [page 17]and like a man, yet with a plaintive tone in his voice. ah! the old, arch spirit of the literary laird of the ewes had been shaken to its centre, though he was a tolerable man of business, and rather fond of attending markets, sales, and meetings.

"papa, what are you thinking of?" exclaimed joanna indignantly. "i am very proud to help you, and i go out quite as often as the others. do you not know, we keep a card hung up on lilias's window-shutter, and we write down every month's invitations—in stormy weather they are not many—and we fulfil them in rotation. you don't often want me in the evenings, for you've quite given me up at chess, and you only condescend to backgammon when it is mid-winter and there has been no curling, and the book club is all amiss. lilias insists upon the card, because the parties are by no means always merry affairs, and she says that otherwise we would slip them off on each other, and pick and choose, and be guilty of a great many selfish, dishonourable proceedings."

"lilias is the wise woman in the household. i'm aware there is a wise woman in every family—but how comes it that lilias is the authority with us? it always rather puzzles me, joanna; for when i used to implore miss swan to accept her salary, and pay dominie macadam his lawful demand of wages for paving the boys' brains in preparation for the high school, they always complimented me with the assurance that you were my clever daughter."

"because they saw your weak side, i dare say, my dear," suggests mrs. crawfurd.

[page 18]"no, i am the cleverest, papa; i am so deep that i see that it is easier to live under an absolute monarchy than to announce myself a member of a republic, and assert my prerogatives and defend my privileges—but i confess i have a temper, papa. lilias says i am very self-willed, and i must grant that she is generally in the right."

"you don't feel satisfied with the bridle, child, till it gets into stronger hands."

"yes, joanna has a temper," chimed in mrs. crawfurd, pursuing her own thread of the conversation. "strangers think her softer than susan; but i have seen her violent, and when she takes it into her head, she is the most stubborn of the whole family. i don't mean to scold you, my dear; you are a very good girl, too, but you are quite a deception."

"oh, mamma! what a character!" joanna could not help laughing. "i must amend my ways."

of course, joanna was violent at times, as we imagine a sensitive girl with an abhorrence of meanness and vice, and she was stubborn when she was convinced of the right and her friends would assert the wrong. mr. crawfurd's idea was, that joanna had a temper like cordelia, not when she spoke in her pleased accents, "gentle, soft, and low," but when she was goaded into vehemence, as will happen in the best regulated palaces and households.

"oh, dear!" exclaimed mrs. crawfurd, five minutes afterwards, disturbing the cosy little party round the tea-table by her sudden air of distress. "oh! dear, dear me! susie has left her pearl sprigs behind her. there they are on the loo-table. my pearl sprigs, mr. crawfurd, that i [page 19]used to wear when i was young; they have come in again for the hair, and susie settled they were just the thing to give a more dressed look to her spring silk—these easy way parties are so ill to manage, and polly was of the same mind, and she came in to show me the effect, for i always like to see the girls after they are dressed, and be satisfied how they look—and there she has forgotten the box, and she will appear quite a dowdy, and be so vexed."

"i don't think it will signify very much, mamma; susan looks very well in her blue silk."

"but it is such a pity, joanna; so unfortunate,—she only put them out of her hand for one moment, and you see there they are still;" and so mrs. crawfurd sounded the lamentation, and dwelt on its salient points, and ingeniously extracted new grounds of regret, till, by dint of repetition, in ten minutes more mr. crawfurd and joanna were almost persuaded that susan had sustained a serious loss.

"send a servant with the foolery," proposed mr. crawfurd, seeking a little relief, and tolerably affronted at his interest in the question.

"i don't think it would do. would it, joanna? there is always such confusion at hurlton when there is company? and then they have people dining. there would be a mistake, and my pearls are no joke, mr. crawfurd. they cost papa fifty pounds when they were so prettily set to go to sir william's ball. ah! you don't remember it. there would be a fuss, and lilias would not like it. if oliver had not been there at dinner, or charlie had been at home—"

[page 20]"of the two evils choose the least," recommended mr. crawfurd, taking up his book.

"if you are very anxious, mamma," said joanna, "as it is very early, and they set out to walk round by the garden at houndswood to get some geraniums, which polly saw yesterday, and set her heart upon; if you order out the ponies and sandy, i think conny and i could easily ride over to hurlton, and deliver the little parcel to the girls in time. it would be a nice evening ride for us, since you are afraid that conny hangs too much over her books."

"thank you, dear; that is just like you, joanna, you are so sensible and helpful, no wonder papa monopolizes you. i will be so glad that susie has the pearls. such a pity, poor dear! that her evening should be spoilt, and they lying ready to be put on. conny? yes, indeed, that girl will be getting spine complaint, or the rickets. in my day it was sewing in frames that twisted girls; but these books in the lap, the head poked forward, one shoulder up, and knees half as high as the shoulder, are a thousand times worse."

"good luck to you, jack. now you deserve your name, since you constitute yourself groom of the chambers to your sisters."

joanna laughed back to him. "come and meet us, papa." and in the shortest interval given to tie on their hats and skirts, the girls were racing along to hurlton.

in that moorland country, with outlying moorland fields where it was not primitive nature—in a large family like that of the crawfurds, rough walking ponies swarmed as in shetland. they were in constant request at the ewes, [page 21]and the girls rode them lightly and actively, with the table-boy, sandy, at their heels, as readily as they walked. perhaps joanna was the least given to the practice, though she availed herself of it on this domestic occasion.

joanna was a deception, as her mother said. she was a little, round, soft thing, whom you would have expected to flash over with sunshine. she was not a melancholy girl—as you may have been able to judge—and it was not her blame that anything in her position had developed her into a thoughtful, earnest character. but then she was always fancied younger than she really was; people supposed her as easy as her mother, while she could be vehement, and was firm to tenacity. perhaps the reason of the puzzle might be, not only that she had a little of that constitutional indolence which serves to conceal latent energy, but that, in trifles, she did inherit, in a marked degree, the unexacting, kindly temper which causes the wheels of every-day life to turn easily. she allowed herself to be pushed aside. she accepted the fate or superstition which linked her with her father's sorrow; she was content, she thought, to suffer the dregs of his act with him; she wished she could suffer for him; the connexion had indeed a peculiar charm for her enthusiasm and generosity, like her admiration of this corncockle moor.

corncockle moor, in its dreariness, loneliness, and wildness, now hung out a vast curtain, which joanna and conny were skirting under the golden decline of day, not so far from the spot where the little group of men had gathered on the autumn morning, and the two sharp, short cracks, and the little curl of blue smoke had indicated where [page 22]one life had gone out, and another was blasted in a single second. joanna had scarcely got time to wonder how harry jardine and her sisters would look at each other, and she did not allow herself to think of it now. she would wait till she had skilfully avoided any chance of encountering the company, delivered her mother's errand, and was safe with conny, cantering homewards. even then she would not dwell on the notion, lest her father should allude to the stranger, and she should betray any feeling to discompose him. "i must take care of papa. papa is my charge," repeated joanna, proud as any roman maid or matron.

what malign star sent mrs. maxwell into the bedroom, just as joanna had entered it? she ought to have been only quitting the dining-room for the drawing-room, but mrs. maxwell was always to be found where she was least expected. she was a good-natured, social, blundering body, whom girls condescended to affect, because she liberally patronized young people, proving, however, quite as often the marplot, as the maker of their fortunes—not from malice, but from a certain maladroitness and fickleness. mrs. maxwell took it into her head to lay hands on joanna, and to send out for conny, whom joanna had cautiously deposited in the paddock, and to insist that they should remain, and join the party. she would take no denial; she never got them all together; it was so cruel to leave out joanna and conny, a pair of her adopted children, since she had no bairns of her own to bless herself with. she had plenty of partners, or the girls would dance together. yes, say no more about it; she was perfectly delighted with the accession to her number—it was to be.

[page 23]conny's eyes sparkled greedily. "oh, joanna! mamma won't be angry."

oh, conny! you traitor!

"there, it will be a treat to conny, and there is nothing to prevent it. conny has let the cat out of the bag, as tom would say. conny consents, joanna may sulk as she pleases."

"i won't sulk, mrs. maxwell; i'll go off by myself, and leave you constantia, since she wishes it."

"to hear of such a thing! you girls won't allow it. it is very shabby, susan, lilias, miss musgrave, that joanna should not have a little amusement with the rest."

"i'm sure we won't prevent it, mrs. maxwell, we don't stand in the way," said lilias stiffly; "joanna is free to remain or return as she chooses. joanna, you had better stay, or there will be a scene, and the whole house will hear of it."

"keep her, mrs. maxwell, please," cried miss polly mischievously; "my cousin joan is so scarce of her countenance, that i want to know how she can behave in company."

"very well, i assure you," avouched mrs. maxwell zealously; then she began to remember, and start, and flounder—"only she is so modest. joanna, my dear, you cannot be so stupid as to hesitate from a certain reason?"

"oh, no. you can send back sandy, mrs. maxwell, since you are so good. mamma knows what we will require; or i will write a little note."

joanna could have borne any encounter rather than [page 16]a discussion of the obstacle with mrs. maxwell—a discussion which might be gone over again any day to anybody.

but joanna was terribly vexed and provoked that she had exposed herself to this infliction, though she was fain to comfort herself with the argument that it would make no difference to papa's feelings; and she trusted that she and conny would slip into the drawing-room when the guests were occupied, and subside into corners, and escape attention.

joanna was established in her recess, nearly confident that she was not conspicuous, and considerably interested in watching harry jardine.

mrs. jardine's intentions had been in a great measure fulfilled. the young laird of whitethorn had grown up at his english school and german university without the cloud which rested on his father's end descending on his spirit. he was as strong and pleasant and blithe as his father, with the self-possession which a life amongst strangers, and the available wallet of a traveller's information, could graft upon his gentle birth and early manhood. at the same time, there was no deception about harry jardine. while he was gay and good-humoured, he had an air of vigour and action, and even a dash of temper lurking about his black curls and bright eyes, which prepared one for hearing that he had not only hobnobbed with the göttingen students, but had also won their prizes, and thrashed them when they aspired to english sports; and had travelled four nights without sleep, under stress of weather, to reach whitethorn on the day he had fixed to his mother. he had brought a steady character along with [page 25]him, too; they said that he had been a good son, and had remembered that his mother was a widow, and had endured enough grief to last her all her days. mrs. jardine, who was not a flatterer, declared that harry had not cost her a care which she needed to grudge. there is enough temptation, and to spare, for men like harry jardine, but it is not in such that early self-indulgence and lamentable weakness may be feared.

harry jardine was the style of man fitted to command the admiration of joanna crawfurd. contemplative girls love men of experience. staid girls love men with a dash—a dash of bravery, self-reliance, or even of recklessness. harry jardine's gladness to be at home; his interest in everything and everybody; the pleasant tone in which he referred to his mother; the genuine fun of which he gave a glimpse; the ring of his laugh, were all set store upon by joanna with a sober satisfaction.

harry had not been so agreeable, or felt the world so pleasant, two hours before. it was impossible to escape memories or to hide wincing; but he had said to himself that these associations ought to have been worn threadbare by familiarity, or to have been approached gradually, and he could not conquer his awkwardness or crush his susceptibility. but youth is pliable and versatile, and harry jardine was determined to evince no dislike, and make no marked distinction. very soon the miss crawfurds and their cousin blended with the other young ladies in his view,—nay, he discovered that he had come across a cousin of theirs settled abroad, and was qualified to afford them information of his prospects and pursuits handsomely.

[page 26]so far joanna's penalty had been moderate, until, towards the close of the evening, when most of the young people had gone into the library to get some refreshments, she found herself left in her corner almost alone, with mr. jardine talking to mrs. maxwell within a few yards of her. this was the occurrence which joanna had dreaded. "by the pricking of her thumbs" she was aware of a wicked destiny approaching her. mr. jardine in his conversation glanced towards her, then looked away, and beat his foot on the carpet, and a twitch passed over the muscles of his face, and his smile, though he still affected a smile, had lost all its glow. joanna dared not look any longer. mrs. maxwell was certainly speaking of her. perhaps in her rash inconsiderate way she had volunteered information.

perhaps harry jardine had himself made inquiry—the pale girl who kept in the background, with the little scar—was it—on her temple? joanna quivered under the process, and the witness beneath the light brown hair throbbed painfully. she was glad when mr. jardine walked away quickly; but the next moment he came back and turned directly towards her.

"i have been introduced to your sisters, miss crawfurd, and you must excuse further ceremony from me. will you allow me to take you into the next room and get a glass of wine or a biscuit for you? you should not try fasting at an evening party. mrs. maxwell would call it a very bad example."

he spoke fast, with a laugh, and crimsoned all over. she knew perfectly well what he was about. he was de[page 27]termined to perform all that could possibly be required of him. he would put down invidious comments, disarm gossip, in short cut off the gorgon's head at the first struggle. they might term it unnatural, overdone, but at least it would not be to do again; and harry jardine's was the temper, that, if you presented an obstacle to it, it itched the more to grapple with the obstacle on the spot.

precisely for the reason that she could not ride away from the party, after mrs. maxwell assailed her with a motive for her conduct, joanna could not repel his overture. it was incredibly trying to her. he saw how differently she was affected from her sisters. he was aware of another influence. he felt very uncomfortable. why, the very flesh of his arm, which she touched lightly enough, crept, when the superstition of the old ordeal of the bier flashed upon him, as he caught, with a furtive glance, the tiny brand prickling and burning to fiery incandescence above the waxen face. was it a splash of his father's blood impressed there, till the "solid flesh" would verily "melt"? was it his neighbourhood which brought out the ruddy spot, that, like the scarlet streaks down lady macbeth's little hands, would not wash off? absurd folly! but he wished he had done with it. he wished old ladies would confine themselves to their own concerns. he hoped fainting was not heard of among the girls of the moors—that would be a talk! he supposed he must say something commonplace and civil; he must task his brains for that purpose. he coined a remark, and joanna answered him quietly and with simplicity. she must [page 28]have possessed and exercised great self-command. it struck harry jardine. it was a quality he valued highly, possibly because he felt such difficulty in looking it up on his own account. all through the few minutes' further conversation and association between them, it impressed him, conjointly with the odd recoiling sensations, which he had so rapidly shaken off, where her sisters were concerned.

harry had the faults of his kind, not inveterately, for he spoke good english to women; but as he indulged in his dear island slang to men, he felt bound to use it to himself. "this poor little woman is thorough game," he said to himself. "i can see that she is as tender as a little bird, yet she has shown as much pluck as a six-foot grenadier? she has not flinched at all. i can do justice to this spirit." he remembered it all the time when polly musgrave was sounding him, and when he did not choose to give her the slightest satisfaction.

"i saw you with my cousin joanna, mr. jardine; you'll find her in the spanish style."

"not in complexion certainly. do you mean in name?"

"oh, no! do you know so little about the south of scotland after all? you had better conceal this piece of ignorance. i am sure you understand this much—a general acquaintance with the whole habitable globe would not atone for a deficiency with regard to this one dear little spot of earth. joanna is as common a name in the south of scotland as dorothy is in the north of england. examine the register, and see if you have not twenty jar[page 29]dine cousins christened joanna. i call joanna in the spanish style, because, although she conceals it, and you cannot have found it out yet, she is a vestige of romantic chivalry. joanna is a donna quixotina, an unworldly, unearthly sort of girl, with a dream of tilting with the world and succouring the distressed. i term it a dream, because, of course, she will never accomplish it, any more than the knight of la mancha, and she will be obliged to descend from her stilts by-and-by. i call susan in the beautiful style, and lilias in the good style, and conny in the sweet sixteen style."

"miss musgrave, i am not versed in ladies' styles, you must teach me;" and polly and he looked into each other's eyes, and laughed and felt they were match for match.

and joanna had a little regret that mr. jardine should, like most men, be caught with polly musgrave; not that joanna did not admire polly, though she was her antithesis, and count her handsome and brilliant in her way, like any sun-loving dahlia or hollyhock; but joanna had no enthusiasm in her admiration of polly, and she had a little enthusiasm in her estimation of harry jardine.

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