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第一章 文学F和科学F的比较

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“tho’ cruel fate should bid us part,

as far’s the pole and line;

her dear idea round my heart

should tenderly entwine.

tho’ mountains frown and deserts howl,

and oceans roar between;

yet, dearer than my deathless soul,

i still would love my jean.”

— tho’ cruel fate.


upon julia’s haire fill’d with dew.

“dew sate on julia’s haire,

and spangled too,

like leaves that laden are

with trembling dew:

or ghitter’d to my sight,

as when the beames

have their ref lected light,

daunc’t by the streames.”




那么文学家所使用的分析解剖又是怎样的呢?小说家分析人物性格,描写事物时则突出其特点。假如文学家没有这种态度,当事物需要选择取舍的时候,选择要舍去的事物时,他就不把文学性的部分加以突出,而使不必要的部分退居其次。换言之,他所描述的事物就不会那么生动了。文学化的分析解剖与科学家的不同之处,在于前者的态度是用肉眼而非显微镜,而且是只依据观察,而不用实验的方法。例如,物理学家关于“conceptual discontinuity of bodies”(物体概念的中断性)的见解吧。他的逻辑是:凡物体都有弹性,例如连空气这样的物质,也可以放入圆形器皿压缩之,因而一切物体的质,在严密的意义上说,都不是不变的。这样的假说,不是文学家所需要知道的。或如费希纳根据实验结果,发现所谓“golden cut”(黄金分割率)这样的审美的分隔方法,也是科学家的事,文学家则大都不在意,更不用说形成是事物的直线、圆形的甄别等,都不是文学家所能需要的。至于进一步追问自然界的线,于几何学上是否有效,这更是文学家所无知的。他们只由感觉的印象来决定真伪,若进一步查考科学上的真,有时反而走向反面。对他们而言,太阳是出于东而没于西,而不是地球旋绕太阳旋转;珊瑚是呈红色的坚硬而优美的枝,并不是水螅的虫巢。诗人罗塞蒂说过,太阳绕地球也好,地球绕太阳也罢,我都不管。济慈写道:

“do not all charms f ly

at the mere touch of cold philosophy?

there was an awful rainbow once in heaven:

we know her woof, her texture; she is given

in the dull catalogue of common things.

philosophy will clip an angels’ wings,

conquer all mysteries by rule and line,

empty the haunted air, and gnomed mine—

unweave a rainbow, as it erewhile made

the tender-person’d lamia melt into a shade.”

— lamia, pt. ii. ll. 229-38.

丁尼生在《贝壳》(the shell)一诗中也写道:


“see what a lovely shell,

small and pure as a pearl,

lying close to my foot,

frail, but work divine,

made so fairily well

with delicate spire and whorl,

how exquisitely minute,

a miracle of design!


what is it? a learned man

could give it a clumsy name.

let him name it who can,

the beauty would be the same.”

— pt. ii. ii.



“she was indeed sweetly fair, and would have been held fair among rival damsels. on a magic shore, and to a youth educated by a system, strung like an arrow drawn to the head, he, it might be guessed, could f ly fast and far with her. the soft rose in her cheeks, the clearness of her eyes, bore witness to the body’s virtue; and health and happy blood were in her bearing. had she stood before sir austin among rival damsels, that scientif ic humanist, for the consummation of his system, would have thrown her the handkerchief for his son. the wide summer-hat, nodding over her forehead to her brows, seemed to f low with the f lowing heavy curls, and those f ire-threaded mellow curls, only half-curls, waves of hair call them, rippling at the ends, went like a sunny red-veind torrent down her back almost to her waist: a glorious vision to the youth, who embraced it as a f lower of beauty, and read not a feature. there were curious features of colour in her face for him to have read. her brows, thick and brownish against a soft skin showing the action of the blood, met in the bend of a bow, extending to the temples long and level: you saw that she was fashioned to peruse the sights of earth, and by the pliability of her brows that the wonderful creature used her faculty, and was not going to be a statue to the gazer. under the dark thick brows an arch of lashes shot out, giving a wealth of darkness to the full frank blue eyes, a mystery of meaning—more than brain was ever meant to fathom: richer, henceforth, than all mortal wisdom to prince ferdinand. for when nature turns artist, and produces contrasts of colour on a fair face, where is the sage, or what the oracle, shall match the depth of its lightest look?”

这是梅瑞狄斯的《理查·弗维莱尔的苦难》(the ordeal of richard fevered)第十五章对于露西的描写,那里面当然不是没有作者独特的妙味,但是一读之后,那个女性的面容,不会立即闪电般地映入脑海,这是任何人都不能否定的吧。


“what is’t ? a spirit ?

lord, how it looks about! believe me, sir,

it carries a brave form. but ’tis a spirit.”

— act i. sc. ii. ll. 409-11.


“i might call him

a thing divine, for nothing natural

i ever saw so noble.”

— ll. 417-9.


“o, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!

it seems she hangs upon the cheek of night

like a rich jewel in an ethiope’s ear;

beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!

so shows a snowy dove trooping with crows,

as yonder lady o’er her fellows shows.”

— romeo and juliet, act i. sc. v. ll. 46-50.

在精致的叙述中最著名的失败的例子,是阿里奥斯托[4]《疯狂的奥兰多》(orlando furioso)中描写阿尔奇娜(alcina)之美的那段文字。莱辛在《拉奥孔》中,曾举出这一节作为失败的例子,这是众所周知的,不过这里为参考起见,还是请读者一读:

“her shape is of such perfect symmetry,

as best to feign the industrious painter knows,

with long and knotted tresses; to the eye

not yellow gold with brighter lustre glows.

upon her tender cheek the mingled dye

is scattered, of the lily and the rose.

like ivory smooth, the forehead gay and round

fills up the space, and forms a f itting bound.

two black and slender arches rise above

two clear black eyes, say suns of radiant light;

which ever softly beam and slowly move;

round these appears to sport in frolic f light,

hence scattering all his shafts, the little love,

and seems to plunder hearts in open sight.

thence, through mid visage, does the rose descend,

where envy f inds not blemish to amend.

as if between two vales, which softly curl,

the mouth with vermeil tint is seen to glow:

within are strung two rows of orient pearl,

which her delicious lips shut up or show.

of force to melt the heart of any churl,

however rude, hence courteous accents f low;

and here that gentle smile receives its birth,

which opes at will a paradise on earth.

like milk the bosom, and the neck of snow;

round is the neck. and full and large the breast;

where, fresh and f irm, two ivory apples grow,

which rise and fall, as, to the margin pressed

by pleasant breeze, the billows come and go.

not prying argus could discern the rest.

yet might the observing eye of things concealed

conjecture safely, from the charms revealed.

to all her arms a just proportion bear,

and a white hand is oftentimes descried,

which narrow is, and somedeal long; and where

no knot appears, nor vein is signif ied.

for f inish of that stately shape and rare,

a foot, neat, short and round, beneath is spied.

angelic visions, creatures of the sky,

concealed beneath no covering veil can lie.”

像这样从头顶写到脚,写得一丝不苟、有条不紊,令人叹为观止。只可惜作为描写对象的美人,整体形象却是模糊的。荷马所使用的简洁的描写法,例如“nereus was beautiful;achilles still more so;helen possessed godlike beauty.”这样的描写,反而能唤起前面那种细致描写想唤起而终未能唤起的印象。又如日本的俳句,在区区十七字的限制之中,其描写却很具有文学性效果,原因在于它所使用的词语都是很洗练的,如“美人”、“佳人”等,绝不包含细微的科学的分解。

因此,文学家的分析解剖,是以分析解剖为手段,以综合为目的。没有达到综合之目的时,再细巧的分析解剖也是徒劳无功。这就使得一部分人提倡单纯而有力的叙述。有力要怎样有力呢?在观察的角度方法日益发达的今天,却推崇单纯的叙述,这就不能不说是太不合时宜了。民谣(ballads)是率真而单纯的,故而很能动人,因此一切叙述都须学习民谣,这就如同主张豆腐是淡而有味的,故其他食物都可以不要。上古时代的著作,似乎都是单纯而不经分析解剖的记述。民谣不用说,乔叟如此,亚瑟王的故事也是如此,《左传》亦如此、井原西鹤[5]还是如此。以前那些著名的文学家之所以如此就成功了,这固然能够证明他们的方法是正确,但不能由此断言其他的方法就必然失败。他们叙事状物,三言两语就能写出全体。但是这三言两语仅仅是他们粗略的观察和粗疏的描写,而除此之外的功力就不具备了。他们在整体描写上似乎还不错,但在精细的描写方面、在对一事物由内及外的全方位描写方面,无论如何都是不充分的。有人赞扬说西鹤是文章大家,能够写一笔便让事物栩栩如生。确实如此。但同时也不要忘记,井原西鹤固然能够一笔写出整体,但却是缺乏缜密观察力的。这是时代的局限,不能责怪西鹤本人。倘若让西鹤重生于今世,也许他也能够使用分析解剖的方法,从不同角度侧面描写同一事物了。他缺乏分析解剖的能力,故而在不做分析解剖这一点上取得了成功;我们具备了分析解剖的能力,所以在分析解剖这一点上必须取得成功。要尽可能把整体加以分析解剖,同时又要把分析后的各部分整合起来,给读者以整体印象,这是古今时事之差,也是古今文学之差。我们只有在某种特殊的场合中,才能毫不犹疑地采用祖先的态度与方法;同时我们的描述又不能有悖于我们精细的观察力,这样才能显出我们的本领。亨利·詹姆斯[6]写夏洛特·斯丹特(charlotte stant)的一瞬间,就使用了一千多字[《金碗》(the golden bowl)第三章];分析一个人在伦敦桥旁滑倒这样一件小事时的心理状态,就几乎写了一整篇[《我们的征服者》(one of our conquerors)第一章]。佩特[7]评论《蒙娜丽莎》(la gioconda)时说过这么一段话:

“the presence that thus rose so strangely beside the waters, is expressive of what in the ways of a thousand years men had come to desire. here is the head upon which all “the ends of the world are come,” and the eyelids are a little weary. it is a beauty wrought out from within upon the f lesh, the deposit, little cell by cell, of strange thoughts and fantastic reveries and exquisite passions. set it for a moment beside one of those white greek goddesses or beautiful women of antiquity, and how would they be troubled by this beauty, into which the soul with all its maladies has passed! all the thoughts and experience of the world have etched and moulded there, in that which they have of power to ref ine and make expressive the outward form, the animalism of greece, the lust of rome, the reverie of the middle age with its spiritual ambition and imaginative loves, the return of the pagan world, the sins of the borgias. she is older than the rocks among which she sits; like the vampire, she has been dead many times, and learned the secrets of the grave; and has been a diver in deep seas, and keeps their fallen day about her; and traff icked for strange webs with eastern merchants: and, as leda, was the mother of helen of troy, and as saint anne, the mother of mary; and all this has been to her but as the sound of lyres and f lutes, and lives only in the delicacy with which it has moulded the changing lineaments, and tinged the eyelids and the hands. the fancy of a perpetual life, sweeping together ten thousand experiences, is an old one; and modern thought has conceived the idea of humanity as wrought upon by, and summing up in itself, all modes of thought and life. certainly lady lisa might stand as the embodiment of the old fancy, the symbol of the modren idea.”

— the renaissance.




“viola. a large genus of usually small plants of the violet family, having alternate leaves and axillary peduncles bearing 1 or 2 irregular f lowers, the lower petal being prolonged into a spur or sac.”


“a violet by a mossy stone

half-bidden from the eye!

— fair as a star, when only one

is shining in the sky.”

—she dwelt among the untrodden ways

我们在这里可以看到生机盎然的堇草。再看同一位诗人的《咏雏菊》(to the daisy):

“thee winter in the garland wears

that thinly decks his few grey hairs;

spring parts the clouds with softest airs,

that she may sun thee;

whole summer-f ields are thine by right;

and autumn, melancholy wight!

doth in thy crimson head delight

when rains are on thee.

in shoals and bands, a morrice train,

thou greed’st the traveller in the lane;

pleased at his greeting thee again

yet nothing daunted,

nor grieved if thou be set at naught:

and oft alone, in nooks remote,

we meet thee, like a pleasant thought,

when such are wanted.”


“under a lawne, then skyes more cleare,

some ruff led roses nestling were:

and snugging there. they seem’d to lye

as in a f lowrie nunnery:

they blush’d, and look’d more fresh then f lowers

quickened of late by pearly showers;

and all, because they were possest

but of the heat of julia’s breast:

which as a warme, and moistned spring,

gave them their ever f lourishing.”

所谓“ruff led”(吹皱),所谓“nestling”(依偎),都是能够直接引起情绪的字眼儿,故以此手段所表现出的蔷薇,绝不是死的蔷薇,乃是有灵魂的蔷薇。一经有了这样的幻惑,花瓣的大小、枝干的长短,全都不足以介意了。

以上关于文学的和科学之区别的论述,瑞恰慈的《文学批评原理》(principles of literary criticism)(第52页以下)有类似的话,可资参照。


“and o’er the hills, and far away

beyond their utmost purple rim,

beyond the night, across the day,

thro’ all the world she follow’d him.”

— tennyson, the day-dream.






所谓“玉妆奁”(cabinet),就是指热情炽烈或者诗趣盎然的幻梦,是形而上之宝,但往往容易变成为形而上的束缚。人被囚在里面。虽有钥匙,但终于还是沦为囚徒。造此牢者,无非是爱情,无非是艺术。坐其中而眺望之,曾是美妙之景、和怡之乐、月光白露,一片清新的天地,足以安我身,足以悦我目。然而终究飘渺不可捕捉,如形影一般可望不可得。我们一经坠入其中,现世中的快乐与力量就会倍增。只是求之者过多,当要把形而上者变为形而下者,当要将双手无法把握的幽深事物,用火焰之手加以把握,当要把“本原的”译为“暂存的”、把“实在的”译为“附存的”的时候,原来应该是与我们之生命长久共存的结构,也就瞬间破灭了。这令我们沮丧气馁、不知所措,像婴儿一样号哭不已。这样,原本在幽玄虚幻之境欣然雀跃、无忧无虑的婴儿,却一下子变成了不幸的忧郁的孩子。不但如此,往日的孩童时代我们也回不去了。因为过度苦闷焦虑,虽有很大的幻梦却捕捉不得。旧的欢乐失去了,而新的欢乐未至。我们心灵中像圣母一样的爱情和艺术,也都与我们一起黯然神伤、逐渐衰微。在我们身边吹过的,只是失掉了幻梦的荒凉的精神灵魂以及肃杀的悲风。[见斯温伯恩《威廉·布莱克》(william blake, a critical essay),第176—177页。]

the crystal cabinet.

“the maiden caught me in the wild,

where i was dancing merrily;

she put me into her cabinet,

and locked me up with a golden key.

this cabinet is formed of gold;

and pearl and crystal shining bright,

and within it opens into a world

and a little lovely moony night.

another england there i saw,

another london with its tower,

another thames and other hills,

and another pleasant surrey bower.

another maiden like herself,

translucent, lovely, shining dear,

threefold, each in the other closed,—

oh what a pleasant trembling fear!

oh what a smile! a threefold smile

filled me that like a f lame i burned;

i bent to kiss the lovely maid,

and found a threefold kiss returned.

i strove to seize the inmost form

with ardour f ierce and hands of f lame,

but burst the crystal cabinet,

and like a weeping babe became:

a weeping babe upon the wild,

and weeping woman pale reclined,

and in the outward air again

i f illed with woes the passing wind.”




“thirty years ago, marseilles lay burning in the sun one day.

a blazing sun upon a f ierce august day was no greater rarity in southern france then, than at any other time, before or since. everything in marseilles, and about marseilles, had stared at the fervid sky, and been stared at in return, until a staring habit had become universal there ....

blinds, shutters, curtains, awnings, were all closed and drawn to keep out the stare. grant it but a chink or keyhole, and it shot in like a white-hot arrow. the churches were the freest from it. to come out of the twilight of pillars and arches—dreamily dotted with winking lamps, dreamily peopled with ugly old shadows piously dozing, spitting, and begging-was to plunge into a f iery river, and swim for life to the nearest strip of shade. so, with people lounging and lying wherever shade was, with but little hum of tongues or barking of dogs, with occasional jangling of discordant church bells, and rattling of vicious drums, marseilles, a fact to be strongly smelt and tasted, lay broiling in the sun one day.”

— dickens, little dorrit, chap. i.


“and the lord said unto him, therefore whosoever slayeth cain, vengeance shall

be taken on him sevenfold.”

— genesis, iv. 15.

“the tithe of a hair was never lost in my house before.”

— shakespeare, 1 henry iv, act iii. sc. iii. l. 66.

“she took me to her elf in grot,

and there she wept and sigh’d full sore,

and there i shut her wild, wild eyes

with kisses four.”

— keats, la belle dame sans merci.

“cairbar thrice threw his spear on earth. thrice he stroked his beard.”

— ossian[13] , temora, bk. i.

“seven of my sweet loves thy knife

hath bereavèd of their life:

their marble tombs i built with tears

and with cold and shadowy fears.

seven more loves weep night and day

round the tombs where my loves lay,

and seven more loves attend at night

around my couch with torches bright.

and seven more loves in my bed

crown with vine my mournful head;

pitying and forgiving all

the transgressions, great and small.”

— blake, broken love.


“o, that the slave had forty thousand lives!

one is too poor, too weak for my revenge.”

— othello, act iii. sc. iii. ll. 442-3.

“nine-and-twenty knights of fame

hung their shields in branksome hall;

nine-and-twenty squires of name

brought them their steeds to bower from stall;

nine-and-twenty yeomen tall

waited, duteous, no them all.”

— scott, the lay of the last minstrel, can. i. ll. 16-21.


“prim doctor of philosophy

from academic heidelberg!

your sum of vital energy

is not the millionth of an erg.

your liveliest motion might be reckoned

at one-tenth metre in a second.”

这是近世物理学家[14]的戏作,诗中所用数字是纯粹的科学符号。所谓“erg”,就是“the energy communicated by a dyne, acting through a centimeter”;而“tenth-metre”就是l metre×10-10。因而普通读者,在阅读时不会引起任何感兴。然而要知道,若在科学上明白这个数字的含义时,便可以产生文学的效果。


* * *

[1]罗伯特·赫里克(robert herrick, 1591—1674),英国诗人、牧师,作品恢复了古典抒情诗风格,代表作有《西方乐土》等。

[2]亨利克·约翰·易卜生(henrik johan ibsen, 1828—1906),挪威剧作家、诗人,以社会问题剧著称,代表作有《玩偶之家》、《群鬼》等。

[3]乔治·艾略特(george eliot, 1819—1880),英国作家,开创现代小说心理分析的创作方法,代表作有《米德尔马契》、《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》等。

[4]阿里奥斯托(lodovico ariosto, 1474 —1533),意大利诗人,代表作有《疯狂的奥兰多》。


[6]亨利·詹姆斯(henry james, 1843—1916),美国小说家、评论家,其创作对20世纪现代派文学有着深远影响,代表作有《一位女士的画像》、《鸽翼》、《使节》等。

[7]沃尔特·佩特(walter pater, 1839—1894),英国文艺评论家、散文家,主张“为艺术而艺术”,代表作有《文艺复兴史研究》等。

[8]托马斯·马洛礼(thomas malory, 1405—1471),英国作家,编著的《亚瑟王之死》是英语文学第一部重要的散文作品。

[9]乔治·弗雷德里克·瓦茨(george frederic watts, 1817—1904),英国画家、雕塑家。

[10]威廉·布莱克(william blake, 1757—1827),英国诗人、版画家。他善用歌谣体和无韵体抒写理想和生活,作品风格独特,代表作有《天真之歌》、《经验之歌》等。


[12]南洲:即西乡隆盛 (1827—1877),名隆盛,号南洲,日本明治维新时期的政治家,汉诗人。


[14]詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦(james clerk maxwell,1831—1879),苏格兰物理学家、数学家。他是经典电动力学的创始人,统计物理学的奠基人之一。

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