唐宝桐 年三十岁。生于上海。父仲良。已婚。子二。女一。初学于上海妥玛汉北学校。光緖二十九年。自费游美。入春野高等工业学校。光緖三十四年。入麻省工业学校。习土木工程。民国二年。得学士学位。为工学会会员。民国二年回国。民国三年。任上海黄浦水利局副工程师。现仍在职。为上海工学会。及美国大学同学会会员。住址及通信处。上海武昌路五百二十七号。
tong, pao-tung.-born in shanghai, 1887. married, 1903. studied at thomas hanbury school, shanghai, 1902-3. arrived in america, june, 1903. private support. prepared for college at technical high school, springfield, 1904-8. studied civil engineering at massachusetts institute of technology, 1908-13. s.b., 1913. member, technology club, 1910-13. returned to china, july, 1913. assistant hydrographer, whangpoo conservancy board, shanghai, 1914 to date. member: tech-nology club of shanghai; american university club of shanghai, etc.