孙宝鉴 字秋澄。年三十一岁。生于江苏无锡。本籍住址。江苏无锡石塘湾。已婚。子一女一。初学于上海南洋中学及南洋公学。宣统三年。游美。入威斯康心大学。习电气工程。民国三年。得电气工程师学位。又在美国电话电报公司。及西方电气公司实习。民国三年。回国。任交通部办事员。又任北京电话局工程师。现时通信处。北京西单牌楼大街电话西局。
sun, pao-kien.-born in wusih, kiangu, 1886. married, 1909. studied at nanyang middle school, shanghai, 1903-7; at nanyang polytechnic institute, shanghai, 1908-11. arrived in america, september, 1911. studied electrical engineering at the university of wisconsin, 1913-14. e. e., 1914. student engineer: western electric co., 1911-12; american telephone and telegraph co., 1912. returned to china, march, 1914. member, ministry of communications, 1914-15. engineer, peking telephone administration, 1915 to date.