孙恒 字慕潮。年二十五岁。生于杭州。父逢辰。业商。本籍住址。浙江杭县小营巷二十八号。已婚。初毕业于浙江高等学堂。肄业北京大学。宣统二年。以官费游美。入耶路大学。习经济及政治学。民国二年。得学士学位。入哈佛大学。习商业管理法。民国四年。得硕士学位。曾为耶路中国学生会书记。撰苦工问题一文。载寰球中国学生报。又撰中国丝业考。载中国实业杂志。又撰战时财政篇。载国防报。为留美学生月报通信员。民国四年回国。任北京中国银行稽核员。北京中华大学商业教员。为通惠实业公司顾问。及国防报编辑。现时住址。北京新帘子胡同八十六号。
sun, hyne.-born in hangchow, 1892. married, 1916. studied at chekiang provincial college, hangchow, 1903-8; at government university, peking, 1909-10. arrived in america, august, 1910. government support. studied economics and political science at yale university, 1910-13; business administration at harvard university, 1913-15. b.a., 1913; m.b.a., 1915. secretary, yale chinese students' club, 1912-13. returned to china, august, 1915. auditor, bank of china, peking. professor of commerce, chung hua university. adviser, tung hui industrial development company. editor, chinese national defence magazine.