朱成章 年三十三岁。生于汉口。父铭敬。前湖南船政局局长。家中住址。上海北山西路六百四十七号。已婚。子一。女一。初学于武昌文华大学。及上海圣约翰大学。光緖三十三年。自费游美。入耶路大学。习法律。宣统二年。得法学士学位。是年回国。任宜昌川汉铁路总工程师书记。民国元年。任交通部主事。继任上海沪寗铁路局书记。现时通信处。上海沪寗铁路局。
chu, s. c.-born in hankow, 1884. married, 1913. studied at boone university, wuchang, and st. john's university, shanghai, 1901-7. arrived in america, july, 1907. private support. studied law at yale university, 1907-10. ll.b., 1910. returned to china, september, 1910. secretary to engineer-in-chief of szechuen-hankow railway, i-chang, 1910-11. junior clerk, ministry of communications, peking, 1912. sec-retary to the managing-director of shanghai-nanking railway, shanghai, 1912 to date.