朱进 字达善。年三十二岁。生于江苏无锡。本籍住址。江苏无锡石塘湾。已婚。初学于苏州东吴大学。得国文论说第一名奖。宣统二年。以官费游美。入威斯康心大学。习经济及社会学。民国二年。得学士学位。入哥仑比亚大学。民国三年。得硕士学位。民国五年。著中国税制一书。得博士学位。为美国经济学会会员。美国社会学会会员。美国统计学会会员。政治社会学会会员。纽约民意日报编辑。民国五年。回国。任南京高等师范学校社会学教员。现时通信处。南京高等师范学校。
chu, chin.-born in wusih, kiangsu, 1885. married. studied at soochow university. soochow, 1908-10. awarded first prize for best chinese essay, 1909. arrived in america, september, 1910. government support. studied economics and sociology at the university of wisconsin, 1910-13; at columbia university, 1913-16. b.a., 1913; a.m., 1914; ph. d., 1916. subject of doctor's dissertation:-"the tariff problem in china." member: american economics association; american sociological association; ameri-can statistical association: association of political and social sciences. editor, min yih pao, new york, 1914. returned to china, august, 1916. professor of sociology, government teachers' college, nanking, 1916.