王健 字晋生。年三十三岁。生于北京。兄仲生。财政部佥事。未婚。初学于上海圣约翰大学。及天津高等工业学校。并任该校教员。宣统元年以官费游美。初入苦歆预备学校。宣统二年。入瓦斯特工业学校。习化学。旋入威斯康心大学。民国三年。得学士学位。转入哥仑比亚大学。民国五年。得硕士学位。是年九月回国。任天津高等工业学校教员。民国六年。任华北制革公司经理。
wong, john.-born in peking, 1884. studied at st. john's univer-sity, shanghai, 1900-4; at industrial college, tientsin, 1908-9. instructor, industrial college, tientsin, 1908-9. arrived in america, november, 1909. government support. prepared for college at cushing academy, 1909-10. studied chemistry at worcester polytechnic institute, 1910-11; at the university of wisconsin, 1911-14; at columbia university, 1915-16. b.s. 1914; m.a., 1916. returned to china, september, 1916. teacher, industrial college, tientsin, 1916 to date. manager, north china tanning co., tientsin, 1917.