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Margaret Sidney” 共有 10 部作品
  • The Adventures of Joel Pepper27章节

    The Adventures of Joel Pepper by Margaret Sidney.It centers around Joel, the middle Pepper child. The Pepper children are: Ebenezer (Ben), Mary (Polly), Joel, David, and Saphronia (Phronsie).

    作者:Margaret Sidney11个月前
  • Five Little Peppers and their Friends

    The success of Harriett's short stories prompted her to write the now-famous Five Little Peppers series.

    作者:Margaret Sidney11个月前
  • Five Little Peppers Ben Pepper

    It was quite impossible that the detailed records presented through the later Pepper books, of the doings and sayings of the "Little Brown House" family, should omit Ben.

    作者:Margaret Sidney11个月前
  • Five little Peppers in the Little Brown House

    “What ever became of Polly Pepper’s famous Chicken Pie, and also Phronsie’s red-topped shoes?” the friends of the “Five Little Peppers” kee

    作者:Margaret Sidney11个月前
  • Five Little Peppers Abroad

    people, and the news spreading out to the decks, many of the passengers got out of their steamer chairs, and tried to swarm into the two doorways. Tom, who never knew how he summoned Dr. Jones, being

    作者:Margaret Sidney11个月前
  • Five Little Peppers Phronsie Pepper

    As Phronsie Pepper was the only one of the “Five Little Peppers” who had not a chance to become “grown- up” in the three books that form the Pepper Library, it

    作者:Margaret Sidney11个月前
  • Five Little Peppers Our Davie Pepper

    I often run down to Badgertown and into the little brown house to talk things over with the Peppers, and every single time they one and all tell me they don’t think I have told enough about David. It

    作者:Margaret Sidney11个月前
  • Five Little Peppers Grown Up

    "Five Little Peppers Grown Up" continues the story of Ben, Polly, Joel, David, and Phronsie Pepper. Together with the Kings, the Whitneys, and other friends old and new, the Peppers

    作者:Margaret Sidney11个月前
  • Five Little Peppers Midway

    "Jefferson," said Phronsie, with a grave uplifting of her eyebrows, "I think I will go down into the kitchen and bake a pie; a very little pie, Jefferson." &qu

    作者:Margaret Sidney11个月前
  • Five Little Peppers at School

    The Five Little Peppers are off to school - Joel and Davie at a boys' boarding school, Polly, Phronsie and Ben at home. When the boys come home for the holidays, all the children are caught up in pla

    作者:Margaret Sidney11个月前