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Lucy Maud Montgomery” 共有 13 部作品
  • Anne Of The Island

    “Harvest is ended and summer is gone,” quoted Anne Shirley, gazing across the shorn fields dreamily. She and Diana Barry had been picking apples in the Green Gables orchard, but w

    作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery2024-02-07
  • Emily of New Moon新月艾米莉

    THE house in the hollow was “a mile from anywhere”—so Maywood people said. It was situated in a grassy little dale, looking as if it had never been built like other hous

    作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery2024-02-07
  • Anne's House of Dreams

    "Thanks be, I'm done with geometry, learning or teaching it," said Anne Shirley, a trifle vindictively, as she thumped a somewhat battered volume of Euclid into a big chest of books

    作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery2024-02-07
  • Rainbow Valley

    It was a clear, apple-green evening in May, and Four Winds Harbour was mirroring back the clouds of the golden west between its softly dark shores. The sea moaned eerily on the sand-bar, sorrowful ev

    作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery2024-02-06
  • Chronicles of Avonlea安妮的友情

    Anne Shirley was curled up on the window-seat of Theodora Dix's sitting-room one Saturday evening looking dreamily afar at some fair starland beyond the hills of sunset. Anne was visiting for a fortn

    作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery2024-02-06

    MRS. Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with alders and ladies’ eardrops and traversed by a brook that had its source away back in

    作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery2024-02-06


    作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery2024-02-06
  • The Story Girl

    I do like a road, because you can be always wondering what is at the end of it. The Story Girl said that once upon a time. Felix and I, on the May morning when we left Toronto for Prince Edward Islan

    作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery2024-02-06
  • Kilmeny of the Orchard果树园小夜曲

    The sunshine of a day in early spring, honey pale and honey sweet, was showering over the red brick buildings of Queenslea College and the grounds about them, throwing through the bare, budding maple

    作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery2024-02-06
  • Rilla of Ingleside壁炉山庄丽拉

    It was a warm, golden-cloudy, lovable afternoon. In the big living-room at Ingleside Susan Baker sat down with a certain grim satisfaction hovering about her like an aura; it was four o'clock and Sus

    作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery2024-02-06
  • Further Chronicles of Avonlea安妮阿冯利记趣

    It is no exaggeration to say that what Longfellow did for Acadia, Miss Montgomery has done for Prince Edward Island. More than a million readers, young people as well as their parents and uncles and

    作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery2024-02-06
  • Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories

    Lucy Maud Montgomery was born at Clifton, Prince Edward Island, Canada, on November 30, 1874. She published some 500 short stories and poems and twenty novels before her death in 1942.

    作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery2024-02-06
  • The Blue Castle蓝色城堡

    The Blue Castle (1926) is regarded by most critics and literary historians as L. M. Montgomery's best-written work.

    作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery2024-02-06