THERE are certain themes of which the interest is all-absorbing, but which are too entirely horrible for the purposes of legitimate fiction. These the mere romanticist must eschew, if he do not wish
作者:Edgar Allan Poe2024-02-07YE who read are still among the living; but I who write shall have long since gone my way into the region of shadows. For indeed strange things shall happen, and secret things be known, and many cent
作者:Edgar Allan Poe2024-02-07THE “Red Death” had long devastated the country. No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avatar and its seal — the redness and the horror of b
作者:Edgar Allan Poe2024-02-07厄舍古屋的倒塌,领悟爱伦.坡的效果说。
作者:Edgar Allan Poe2024-02-06蒙特雷索以品阿芒提拉多这种酒为借口,诱骗伏契纳托到他家族的地窖,在偏僻的壁龛处,蒙特雷索把伏契纳托束缚到墙上,然后用砖头将他活活地封在里面。
作者:Edgar Allan Poe2024-02-06The “Red Death” had long devastated the country. No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avatar and its seal—the redness and the horror of blo
作者:Edgar Allan Poe2024-02-06作品描述一位经受失亲之痛的男子在孤苦无奈,心灰意冷的深夜与一只乌鸦邂逅并叙述的故事。
作者:Edgar Allan Poe2024-02-06