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Bram Stoker布莱姆·斯托克” 共有 4 部作品
  • Dracula

    故事发生在1890年前后,神秘的德古拉将自己装扮成美国企业家Allen Grayson来到伦敦,声称要把现代科技带到维多利亚时代的英国社会。他对当时属于前沿科学的电力科学特别感兴趣——这种科学能够照亮黑暗的夜空,对无法见到阳光的他来说真是太有用了。他此行还有另一个目的:向数个世纪之前将他变成不死之身并彻底毁掉他生活的人复仇。

    作者:Bram Stoker布莱姆·斯托克2024-02-07
  • The Mystery of the Sea

    I HAD just arrived at Cruden Bay on my annual visit, and after a late breakfast was sitting on the low wall which was a continuation of the escarpment of the bridge over the Water of Cruden. Opposite

    作者:Bram Stoker布莱姆·斯托克2024-02-07
  • Dracula's Guest

    He crossed himself, as he answered laconically: 'Walpurgis nacht.' Then he took out his watch, a great, old-fashioned German silver thing as big as a turnip, and looked at it, with his eyebrows gathe

    作者:Bram Stoker布莱姆·斯托克2024-02-07
  • Lady Athlyne

    On the forenoon of a day in February, 1899, the White Star S. S. Cryptic forced her way from Pier No. 48 out into the Hudson River through a mass of floating ice, which made a moving carpet over the

    作者:Bram Stoker布莱姆·斯托克2024-02-06